Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Later On, We'll Conspire

Well, tomorr0w's Thanksgiving... and you know what that means... tons of radio stations playing nothing but Christmas music for the next month. Actually, for some inane reason this has already begun in Chicago, because now there are two "warring" radio stations each trying to outplay the other with happier and more joyous Christmas music, so, naturally, the holiday spirit had to start the day after Halloween, probably in hopes that one of the stations would make someone out there irritated enough that they would kill the entire staff of said radio station just so that they wouldn't have to hear sleigh bells on Veterans Day.

Keep in mind it was 70 degrees here a few weeks ago... hardly the time one wants to be listening to Winter Wonderland.

However, apparently global warming is taking a vacation tomorrow and the greater Midwestern area will get spanked royally by a very-Christmasy snowstorm, completely defeating the purpose of my rant and putting everyone in a holiday mood.
And of course--
Snow makes people idiotic. Happy and giddy, sure... but snow + the average person driving? It's as though everyone got slapped in the face by a idiotic stick.

Sigh. So much angst. Here's my turkey. Merry ChrisThanksgivingmas

Tuesday, November 13, 2007


As you might have guessed, I still have not heard from any of the companies I applied at. This has killed my imagination. I have become a zombie with no creativity. I even went to the MCA today... and was in love for about 30 minutes, and still...

the second I walked back in here, I became a shell.


Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Yes, My Body is Really Kind of Deformed.

The accuracy of this picture should not be disputed. I do have a disproportionately large stomach that seems to just barrel into my legs which are extraordinarily thin.

Like a bouncy ball with toothpicks coming out of it.

Well, I haven't gotten a call about a single job I applied for yet. Really disappointing. Makes me just want to scream bloody murder. Or just wander around with a dispassionate look about me like some sort of abandoned bird.

I have the day after Thanksgiving off, so thats some kind of solace. My brothers will be home from school, which will also be a nice change of pace.

Maybe if I didn't have the equivalent of a female beer belly I would be more likely to get a job.


Monday, October 29, 2007

I'm excellent at it.

If failure was an Olympic sport...

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Mobility: Easier.

For the first time in my life, I own a car. How ridiculous is that? Pretty ridiculous, if you know me. I have been, since I was 16 years of age, the friend who always needed a ride, who couldn't go anywhere without some poor slob of a friend driving ten miles in the wrong direction to pick my ass up... WELL NO MORE! I can drive myself! When I go to the gym with my girlfriend for our yet-to-be-attended spinning/yoga/ormaybeaerobics classes, I will drive my own sorry out-of-shape body!

Take that, world!

(Yeah, its a navy blue Nissan Sentra. Yes, I know this is like a 30-year-old salesman car. Shove it.)

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

I was in the paper business

Richard made my day today.

Rich is this incredibly nice and funny older man who works in our office part time because he's "bored" with his retirement. He is just the nicest guy-- the kind of guy you want for a grandfather, or imagine the friendly old man at the park to be. Not in a creepy way. Just an honest-to-God sweet old man who makes funny jokes at weird times.

Anywho so on days like today where I have a lot of boring, idiotic stuff to do, Rich and I have "talks" and we talk about the inefficiency of the company we work for, the weather, the general state of affairs with respect to traffic, baseball, or construction in Chicago... we're the two lowest of the low here, so we commiserate. Me and the 76 year old guy who had a stroke.

The point of all of this is, today we were talking about working and this job and how I want a job in an industry I would feel more comfortable in... and I asked Rich... what did you do before you retired?

And Rich, ladies and gentlemen... was in the paper business. He was the (no lies) REGIONAL DISTRIBUTION MANAGER FOR AVERY DENNISON.

Rich is my damn hero right now.

Two color rainbows.

When I drink a whole lot of caffeine (i.e. Red Bull... or any other large energy drink) I get terrible stomach aches but the jittery, too-awake-for-my-own-good feeling is really wonderful.

On another note, screw the CTA. I took the train this morning (Metra) and arrived at Union Station at 8:05. I then proceeded to wait for the 151 Sheridan bus for 35 minutes. When we finally left at 8:43, I was 13 minutes late to work. Then, we decided to drive behind a garbage truck all the way down State Street.

I was 50 minutes late to work today. WTF is that. I'm sick of being late because I have a two hour commute. I hate that. I really REALLY hope that I get called about that other job soon. Need to get out of here...

Well, today is Wednesday, the middle child of the weekdays, and we are incredibly short-staffed today and the phone is ringing off the hook but I wanted to update with a new MS Paint, and with some novel bitching.

Hand sanitizer just exploded out of the container onto my shirt.

Super. This day has just been great.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

I'd rather go blind than be this aware.

Made in MS paint. October 2007.

Cirrus Patterns

I did... all right... on the GRE. Not as well as I would have liked to. But well enough, I suppose.

I've been thinking a LOT about traveling lately... now that I officially have nothing to stick around for (ie relationships or school) the time has come to take the first opportunity and leave. I am definitely going abroad in the spring. I will probably go to London (expensive) and Edinburgh (full of crazy Scottish people) and I would like to visit a dear friend of mine in Belgium (language barriers)... and then who knows. Hopefully I can get about three weeks off of work to do this... I'll just save up my sick and vacation time as long as possible.

Unless I get this new job I applied for at C&B corporate. That would be the greatest thing in the world. I would die to get out of health care right now. Die of happiness.

Also my list of schools to apply to has changed significantly and now only includes 2 schools in Chicago. If I stay, I will be pleased, and if I leave, I will be scared... but I want to go back to school so badly. I just want someone to give me the chance. I'll take it.

Even if its Kentucky.

You know... I don't miss undergrad drawing classes... nude models... repetitive hand-cramping gesture drawings... and that guy... with the pockmarked face and gold chain who had some sort of STD or disease that would cause his genitals to drip.

Oh, Jerry.

Hopefully he saw a doctor about that.

Saturday, October 20, 2007


I'm sad to say this will be the second year in a row that I do not celebrate Halloween. Last year I had no good excuse; I sat on my bed in my tiny dorm room and moped to myself about being lonely or something equally ridiculous stemming from the rapid dissipation of all my so-called social life.
I think I ate pizza and watched Discovery channel. And then slept through class.

This year I will be heading to a concert with a guy I might have had a semi-awkward experience with in the past and it leads me to wonder...


Why can't I meet people who aren't screwed up or weird? Why is my entire social circle composed of ex-boyfriends and people whom with I shared an awkward and possible scarring past? Where are all these other people in the world with cool jobs and nice cars who want to go see metal shows with me? (I know, they don't exist.)

All sorts of things are bothering me lately. I just feel so STUCK and UNHAPPY and etc.

I wish I could dress up for Halloween, though.
I want to be a sailor. A zombie sailor.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Field of Stinking Onions

So Chicago is lovely most times of year, but today it sucks. It's windy (to no one's amazement), cold, and miserable, and I am stuck in an office building uglier than sin... wearing slippers.

Tomorrow I go to work, for the seventh day in a row. For the most part this makes me feel like I'm trapped in hell, the same day repeating over and over and over again. Groundhog Day-esque, except without Bill Murray, funniness, or groundhogs.

I went to the gym the other day, good God was that a joke. Partially because I suck at physical activity, partially because there were three Asian kids doing a breakdancing routine in the weight room and The Creepiest Polish Kid Ever trying to do what I assume was also breakdancing... I was confused as to whether he was a part of their routine or if he was just watching, imitating... stalking... waiting for his chance to prove himself and be a part of their crew...

This of course brings me to my next point which is... breakdancing makes people look stupid if they can't do it properly. Really stupid. Now that I think about it... breakdancing makes everyone look stupid.

Although I suppose sometimes one must break it to make it.

I really want a new job.

Friday, October 5, 2007

A Rich Mess

This just in: Britney Spears is an ugly mess, much like a lot of people from Louisiana.

But seriously folks, celebrities are people, and lets face it, people are stupid, and this woman is not in line to be winning a Nobel... I don't think she'd even get very far on Are You Smarter Than A Fifth Grader. Probably shed get confused just about the concept of the show. And it's funny. Sad, I guess, but more funny.
Don't feel bad for her. She's still got more money than a Swiss bank.

In other news, I really am loving this new military-inspired fashion trend as of late , if only for the reason that it makes me feel like I'm living out some twisted fantasy of being the female Paul Revere... not that I have that fantasy... and not that if given the chance I would wear capes and knickers and tricorn hats. No. That's not true.

In other news, the Chicago Cubs still suck are the Second City's sweethearts, and everyone loves them... except for me. Although I'm still apparently the only one in this city who realizes that the Cubs are the biggest letdown to this city since Rex Grossman, the Blackhawks, the CTA, Macy's, and Navy Pier combined.

I should work.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Heroes of Mine.

This man is my personal hero:
MARTINSBURG, W.Va. - A man accused of drunken driving tried to outrun the police but his vehicle wasn't up to the task.

Michael Ginevan of Bunker Hill was driving a riding lawnmower on Runnymeade Road about a mile from his home when a Berkeley County sheriff's deputy attempted to pull him over. Ginevan, 39, allegedly sped away and Deputy J.H. Jenkins stopped his cruiser and gave chase on foot, according to magistrate court records.

Jenkins caught up to the lawnmower after a short chase but Ginevan allegedly wouldn't stop so the deputy pulled him off the machine. Ginevan refused to take a field sobriety test and was arrested. Jenkins then found a case of beer strapped to the lawnmower's front, court records show.

That's doing it in unprecedented, unapologetic style. I am drunk, I am ridiculous, and I don't give a flying fuck.

In all seriousness, though...

I just paid $140 to take a test.
I just PAID someone to torture me...

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Poor Scotland.

From Wikipedia:
Just for reference: The Scottish Parliament Website-- In Scots, of course.

Notwithstanding the UK government’s and the Scottish Executive’s obligations under part II of the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages, the Scottish Executive recognises and respects Scots (in all its forms) as a distinct language, and does not consider the use of Scots to be an indication of poor competence in English.