Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Later On, We'll Conspire

Well, tomorr0w's Thanksgiving... and you know what that means... tons of radio stations playing nothing but Christmas music for the next month. Actually, for some inane reason this has already begun in Chicago, because now there are two "warring" radio stations each trying to outplay the other with happier and more joyous Christmas music, so, naturally, the holiday spirit had to start the day after Halloween, probably in hopes that one of the stations would make someone out there irritated enough that they would kill the entire staff of said radio station just so that they wouldn't have to hear sleigh bells on Veterans Day.

Keep in mind it was 70 degrees here a few weeks ago... hardly the time one wants to be listening to Winter Wonderland.

However, apparently global warming is taking a vacation tomorrow and the greater Midwestern area will get spanked royally by a very-Christmasy snowstorm, completely defeating the purpose of my rant and putting everyone in a holiday mood.
And of course--
Snow makes people idiotic. Happy and giddy, sure... but snow + the average person driving? It's as though everyone got slapped in the face by a idiotic stick.

Sigh. So much angst. Here's my turkey. Merry ChrisThanksgivingmas

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