Friday, October 19, 2007

Field of Stinking Onions

So Chicago is lovely most times of year, but today it sucks. It's windy (to no one's amazement), cold, and miserable, and I am stuck in an office building uglier than sin... wearing slippers.

Tomorrow I go to work, for the seventh day in a row. For the most part this makes me feel like I'm trapped in hell, the same day repeating over and over and over again. Groundhog Day-esque, except without Bill Murray, funniness, or groundhogs.

I went to the gym the other day, good God was that a joke. Partially because I suck at physical activity, partially because there were three Asian kids doing a breakdancing routine in the weight room and The Creepiest Polish Kid Ever trying to do what I assume was also breakdancing... I was confused as to whether he was a part of their routine or if he was just watching, imitating... stalking... waiting for his chance to prove himself and be a part of their crew...

This of course brings me to my next point which is... breakdancing makes people look stupid if they can't do it properly. Really stupid. Now that I think about it... breakdancing makes everyone look stupid.

Although I suppose sometimes one must break it to make it.

I really want a new job.

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